Trade Associations

Trade associations and professional bodies, like other organisations, are exposed to many varied insurance risks. Some are common to all organisations; others are unique to the association sector and require specialist insurance arrangements.

Get a Quote

Park Insurance are specialists in arranging insurance for Trade Associations and their members, We will work closely with you to develop insurance products that are relevant to your members' and importantly generate income for you to reinvest in your association. There will be no obligation on your members' to purchase insurance from ourselves.

Park Insurance will work with your members to develop a product that will cover all aspects of their business at a competitive price.

How we can help

Park Insurance are Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Services Authority. We provide independent and objective Insurance advice to small and medium size businesses in the U.K.

If you currently offer your members access to insurance products we can review your current arrangements.

Panel of Leading Insurers

We have several schemes with leading underwriters and we would approach them with your specific needs and seek indicative premiums and likely cover from a panel of insurers who specialise in the business and personal risks your members wish to insure.

We will place before them the quotations received and advise accordingly.

Additional Policies That Trade Associations May Require

  • Personal Accident
  • Health Insurance
  • Legal Expenses Insurance
  • Directors & Officers
  • Business Travel

Get in touch

Give us a call on 0117 301 8507 or click on the button below and we will be happy to contact you to discuss your needs.

Get in touch