However, it's not just hairdressers who need to be insured against the unexpected; nail salons, beauty salons and health clubs all fall into the same category. In essence, these are places of business where members of the public come to receive treatment or use equipment. Public and product liability are important to protect your clients against accidents or faulty products, whilst employers liability offers the owner protection in the event that an employee suffers an injury on the business premises. Nail salon insurance, health club insurance and beauty salon business insurance usually offer these as part of their standard coverage.
We are also contacted by mobile hairdressers looking for mobile hairdresser insurance; just because your business isn't on one premises, it doesn't mean you mustn't be insured against the unexpected. Fortunately for our clients, our expertise and contacts within the insurance industry means that we are able to source comprehensive salon insurance packages and negotiate favourable terms on their behalf.