Impounded Vehicle Insurance

Having your car seized and impounded can be a stressful event. Discovering that standard car insurance doesn’t usually cover the release of an impounded vehicle only adds to this stress. Impound insurance is often the quickest and most cost-effective route to getting your seized car back. Over 214,000 cars were seized by the police in 2023; by understanding what impounded vehicle insurance is, you’ll be prepared if you find yourself dealing with your own vehicle seizure.

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What is impound car insurance?

When your car is impounded, you must prove that it holds at least 30 days of valid insurance before it can be released. Impound car insurance serves as a temporary policy, providing the specialist cover you need to get your vehicle back.

Even if you have an existing standard car insurance policy, you may find it doesn’t cover impound release. Insurers view impounded vehicles as high risk, as they may have been involved in a crime or an accident, so this scenario isn’t covered as standard on vehicle insurance policies.

Why is impound insurance important?

Given that your standard vehicle insurance probably doesn’t cover impound release, impounded vehicle insurance is the best way to be reunited with your car or motorcycle. Without it, your vehicle will stay impounded, and you’ll start accruing impound fees.

Impound release insurance is a specialist cover designed for this specific scenario. It offers the requisite 30 days of coverage, while other temporary car insurance policies may only cover 28 days.

Time is of the essence when a vehicle is impounded. Fail to take out car or motorbike impound insurance within 14 days, and you may find your vehicle is disposed of. Luckily, this type of temporary policy can be quick and simple to obtain.

Insurance grants you 30 days to decide what you’re going to do with your vehicle. You may choose to SORN it, sell it, or get it back out on the road if it’s safe to do so.

What types of cover are available, and do I need them?

Car insurance for impounded cars taken out as and when needed is known as temporary impound release cover, and it is usually set at 30 days of coverage. You can also take out impound cover as an add-on to your standard vehicle insurance policy. By adding this, you’ll be ready to release your vehicle from impound without the need to take out any other insurance cover

If you tax and insure your vehicle annually and park in a personal space, you may see an impound as an unlikely event. In this case, you can simply take out impound insurance should the occasion arise. If you like to be prepared, live in an area of high crime, or have experienced impounds before due to the likes of urban parking difficulties, you may prefer to take out an add-on to your existing policy.

What is and isn’t covered?

Impound car insurance covers:

  • Release from the impound
  • Social, domestic, and pleasure drives
  • Damages to third-party vehicles
  • Driving in the UK

It does not cover:

  • Anyone other than the named driver
  • Business use, hire and reward, or commuting
  • Negligent damage
  • Modifications to the vehicle
  • Exporting the vehicle

Why are vehicles impounded and how do you get your vehicle back?

Your vehicle can be seized by the police, the DVLA, and by local authorities. A vehicle can be impounded for being:

  • Untaxed
  • Uninsured
  • Parking illegally
  • An obstruction or blocking the road
  • Abandoned
  • Stolen
  • Involved in an accident
  • Involved in a crime
  • Driven carelessly or inconsiderately, or in a way that causes distress to others
  • Driven by someone unlicensed or uninsured
  • Untaxed and without a SORN

Once your car is seized you must determine which pound it has been taken to. You will receive a notice letter detailing this or you can call 101 to find out the location. You will be asked to attend the pound within seven working days of the vehicle being seized and there are several more steps you’ll need to take. In addition to bringing proof of the correct insurance, you’ll also need to pay a release fee and bring photo ID, proof of ownership, and a valid MOT certificate. You can learn more about the impounding process in our blog.

How much does impound insurance cost?

Because this type of specialist insurance is associated with a vehicle that is deemed high-risk, it can be a more expensive form of cover. It will be calculated according to:

  • The make and model of your vehicle, its age, and its current value
  • Your driving history
  • Your age
  • Where you live
  • The type of license you hold

Frequently asked questions

Can you take out impound car insurance for a day?

No, because the impound facility must see that you have at least 30 days of the relevant cover on your car.

Can you take out impound insurance if you’re not the registered keeper?

Usually, an insurer will only offer this cover to the registered keeper, but there may be exceptional circumstances. For example, if the registered keeper is physically unable to attend to this.

Park Insurance has over 30 years of experience organising specialist insurance policies for the nation. If you find yourself faced with the worry of an impounded vehicle, our friendly team is ready to smooth the path with their expert insurance advice. Get in touch with Park Insurance today to explore your insurance options.

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