“I have been dealing with Park Insurance for over 15 years. It is a pleasure to deal with a person,…
Most tradespeople take out some kind of insurance to protect themselves at work. Electricians are no different. Electrician’s insurance is tailored to the needs of professional electricians who want to ensure they are covered should they encounter problems in the workplace.
This page provides you with all the details you need to make an informed decision about what electrician insurance you require. From explaining what your insurance includes to how electrician public liability insurance can help you, we answer all of your questions.
All electricians know that working with electricity and electrical infrastructure can be dangerous. Though we take the utmost care to prevent them, accidents do happen. And the repercussions can be significant. Insurance protects you in the event of an accident and ensures you receive financial assistance to deal with the consequences.
Many businesses will not hire you if you do not have public liability insurance. The same is true for contractors. You may not technically need insurance to do your job, but in practice, it isn’t easy to operate without it.
Electrician insurance policies vary from provider to provider and policy to policy. Usually, a policy is built around public liability insurance (we will cover that in greater detail later on). Electricians then tailor the policy to their needs by adding any required extras. These extras include:
It depends entirely on you. In the UK, insurance for electricians is not a legal requirement. But most professionals sensibly choose to protect themselves and their business in some way or another.
How do you choose which insurance is right for you? We recommend considering the following factors:
Public liability cover is a specific type of insurance that protects you should your work unintentionally injure someone or damage property. This can happen to even the most skilled electricians and is a reasonable precaution, especially when considering the fees typically associated with legal cases.
Electrician public liability insurance usually covers your legal fees and any compensation you pay. However, all public liability policies differ in detail, so make sure you read any policy document properly before agreeing to the deal. Talk to your insurance provider if you have any questions or concerns.
What if I am a self-employed electrician?
As a self-employed electrician, you will need the same cover as most other professionals in the industry. That means electrician public liability insurance and cover for your equipment, tools and any other add-ons you may need. However, as you do not have the same guarantees and protections as electricians who are classified as employees, you may want to consider a few extra things.
These include:
When looking for an insurance provider, we recommend searching for a broker with the following qualities.
Park Insurance is a specialist insurance provider that benefits from more than 30 years of experience and can help you build the perfect electrician insurance policy.
If you are searching for advice, information or electrician insurance policies that cover everything you need, please get in touch with one of our experienced and professional team members.
“I have been dealing with Park Insurance for over 15 years. It is a pleasure to deal with a person,…