Cleaner Insurance

As a career that is founded on hard work, care and attention to detail, cleaner insurance makes sure that all the effort you put into your business is protected should anything go wrong.

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When entering people's homes or business premises and physically and chemically cleaning these properties, there is always a risk that something could get damaged or a member of the public become injured. Cleaning insurance takes these worries away, ensuring you're financially protected should a claim be made against your business.

What is Cleaning Insurance?

Whether you're a self-employed cleaner kept busy cleaning the homes of your loyal regulars or a large company with a national office and several business cleaning contracts, cleaning liability insurance can protect your livelihood.

You or your employees are given the responsibility of entering someone's home or commercial property and working closely with a range of valuable or sentimental items. You may find yourself cleaning in the vicinity of other people, meaning that a mishap could lead to their injury.

Handling cleaning equipment, using strong chemicals and creating slippery surfaces can sometimes cause accidents - even if you're a careful and highly-trained cleaner. Being prepared for the unexpected means that no matter what size your business is, your company is protected if a claim is made against you or you suddenly find yourself unable to work.

Policies generally include:

  • Public liability insurance for cleaners - public liability is the key cover for all cleaning businesses, whether you work in private homes or commercial properties. It is used to cover the costs of defending claims for injury to a member of the public or damage to their personal property. If you're asked to pay compensation, public liability will also cover this. Your insurer can help you decide the level of public liability to take out, reflecting the scale and risks associated with your particular cleaning company.
  • Employers' liability - if you employ other people within your cleaning business, even on a part-time basis, UK laws dictate that you must hold at least £5 million in employers' liability cover. This will protect you if a member of staff claims that they became sick or injured as a result of working for your company.
  • Product liability - to cover any damage or injury caused by a faulty product used in the course of your cleaning work. Although you may source great quality cleaning products, if a faulty batch causes the likes of a stain on a client's carpet, they could make an expensive claim against you.
  • Equipment cover - to protect the equipment you use when you clean. It's not only vital for your business to function but can also be expensive to repair or replace.
  • Personal accident cover - to protect your finances should you find yourself unable to work due to an accident or work-related illness. You may also be able to include this cover for key members of staff.
  • Vehicle insurance - you may wish to add your work vehicles to your insurance for a cleaning company.

Although your only legal obligation in terms of insurance as a cleaner is to include sufficient employers' liability cover if you have staff, there could be major financial repercussions if you fail to insure your company.

The cost of paying an injury claim for a member of the public who slips on a spillage you created or the price of replacing an expensive item in a home or office could spell financial ruin for your business.

Having insurance gives the peace of mind to work with your specialist equipment and hazardous cleaning products in people's homes and businesses. With powerful machines and chemicals under your control, you may constantly worry that you might damage their personal property. This can be a particular fear when you hire members of staff to clean on behalf of your company. Cleaner insurance negates this fear and lets you focus on doing a great job and growing your business.

You also won't have to worry if your industrial vacuum breaks or if your entire cleaning stock is stolen from your van. Problems may arise - but when you have cleaning business insurance, they don't have to put all your hard work at risk.

How Much Does Cleaning Insurance Cost?

If you're a small business or a self-employed cleaner who works alone, any expenditure within the business can feel like a worry. But whatever the scale of your cleaning business, budgeting for cleaning insurance should be a priority.

The cost of a cleaner insurance policy premium varies depending on the following factors:

  • The type of cleaning you do and whether your business also conducts other activities.
  • How long you've been cleaning/running your business.
  • The number of employees working for your company.
  • The number of work vehicles you want to add to the policy.
  • The value of your specialist equipment, tools and cleaning stock.
  • Whether you only work in the UK or also overseas.
  • Your financial turnover.

The best cleaner insurance will include cover that reflects the individual needs of your business. The type and level you take out will impact the cost of your insurance, but savings can be made by increasing your voluntary excess.

At Park Insurance, we've been working with small business owners for decades, creating tailored insurance policies that offer all the protection they need. We always admire their entrepreneurial spirit and, therefore, try to use our extensive insurance expertise to make sure businesses are covered for all eventualities.

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