Soft Play and Indoor Play Centre Insurance

Beloved by families nationwide, soft play keeps children entertained for hours, giving parents a welcome break as the little ones expend their energy in a fun and engaging environment. Enduringly popular and boasting year-round business, a busy soft play centre faces a range of risks, so ensure you protect your customers, staff, and equipment with specialist soft play insurance.

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What is soft play business insurance?

Soft play insurance is a collection of covers that keep your soft play business safe in the event of compensation claims and building, contents, and equipment losses.

No two soft play businesses are the same. You may need indoor play centre insurance that not only protects equipment but also a café and toy shop. If you take your equipment on the road, you will want to keep this asset safe in transit. Soft play insurance brings together the right types of cover to reflect your business's needs.

Do I need soft play insurance?

There is no legal requirement to insurance but if you don’t, you are responsible for any financial burdens that befall the business. If you employ staff, the law dictates you must take out at least £5 million in employer’s liability cover.

Types of cover

You can choose from a selection of covers that address commonly encountered risks to give your soft play business the most comprehensive protection.

Public liability

If a faulty piece of equipment hurts a child, a customer slips on a spill in your premises and injures themselves, or a damaged piece of equipment rips a parent's designer jacket, you are liable to pay the associated costs. Public liability helps you pay compensation, medical bills, and legal fees in such scenarios.

Employer’s liability

Suppose a staff member claims they became ill or injured due to their employment. In that case, you can defend the claim and cover any compensation and medical costs with employer's liability cover.

Product liability

The savvy soft play centre owner knows that a shop selling toys and equipment can be very profitable. Product liability cover protects you against claims for injury or damage relating to a product you sell from your premises.

Business interruption

If your soft play is forced to close for unforeseen circumstances, you can quickly accumulate significant losses. Business interruption cover compensates you for lost revenue, helping you keep the business afloat.

Property damage and theft

This protects your valuable soft play equipment, IT, and stock against damage and theft, so you're not left out of pocket.

In addition to these core soft play business insurance covers, you may also benefit from the following:

  • Goods in transit
  • Money cover for cash on the premises
  • Stock, food, and drink cover
  • Fixtures and fittings cover

It's important to note that general wear and tear of your play equipment and contents won't be covered, so regular maintenance is a must. Pest damage isn't covered as standard, and if you're a mobile operation, you won't be covered for thefts from unlocked vehicles.

Mobile soft play businesses

If you've tapped into the lucrative world of mobile soft play, providing play equipment around the country for events and parties, make sure you have the cover you need whether you're transporting your gear or setting up on-site. Goods in transit is a crucial cover to protect your equipment while on the road and even if you set up and leave, public liability is helpful because accidents can happen during this stage too.

As an entertainment provider for events, you may have considered one-off events insurance. While this will certainly offer you the cover you need, you may find mobile soft play insurance offers bespoke coverage and is most cost-effective, with the flexibility to make multiple bookings across the year.

How much does soft play insurance cost?

Soft play and indoor play centre insurance costs vary according to the nature of your business and your customer capacity, the value of your equipment, your business location, the type of equipment and building, the number of staff employed, and your claims history.


Do I need soft play insurance if I only hire out for events?

Insurance is still advisable to protect your equipment from theft and damage and to deal with third-party claims relating to your business.

Can I add additional entertainment activities to my insurance?

If you expand your equipment range and start offering new activities, let your insurer know so they can amend your policy accordingly. This will keep your new equipment safe and ensure that levels of cover are set to reflect the new purchases and any associated risks.

Park Insurance has been tailoring bespoke specialist insurance policies for over thirty years. We take the time to learn all about your soft play business, curating a collection of covers that offer the level of protection you need.

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Give us a call on 0117 955 6835 or click on the button below and we will be happy to contact you to discuss your needs.

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