Financial planning services – Park Insurance and Grey Parrot

At Park Insurance, we’re constantly pushing ourselves further to provide a better, more comprehensive service to our clients. We understand that our business customers are not just looking for insurance. They’re looking for a wide range of financial planning and services too. This doesn’t just make life easier; it can also lift those bottom-line numbers and help businesses grow and profit.

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So to deliver on this essential requirement, Park Insurance has partnered with the highly respected Grey Parrot financial planning service to offer businesses even more options.

Why do I need a financial planner?

Working with a financial planner will give you peace of mind and confidence about your financial future. They can help you develop your business in new and more streamlined ways that encourage growth and financial security for you and your employees. Astute financial planning can also help your reputation as a stable, financially independent operation.

How do you find a good financial planner?

The best way to find a good financial planner is to ask for a recommendation from someone you trust. Park Insurance has been trusted by businesses for over 30 years to deliver honest, no-nonsense advice and source premium quality insurance for a vast range of SMEs, sole traders, and larger enterprises. Our customers trust us. So it’s our pleasure to introduce you to Grey Parrot.

Who is Grey Parrot?

It isn’t just their name that sets Grey Parrot apart. They have a completely different way of doing things than traditional financial advisers. And that’s what we liked about them when we started looking for a financial planning partner.

  • They charge fixed fees, not percentages: Their fees are usually lower than those set by traditional advisers
  • Lower cost investment management: Their approach to investment management is based on evidence and keeps costs down
  • They put people before products: Like us, they go out of their way to understand your challenges and aspirations. They’ll help you develop a plan to achieve those goals before they talk about products.

When do you need to talk to Grey Parrot?

Financial planners are there for the momentous decisions, the quick fixes, and the long-term plans. They’re there to help with the little things that streamline a business and the big mergers and acquisitions that could take your operation to the next level.

These are decisions that you could make on your own. But isn’t it better to have the backing and advice of financial planners with years of first-hand experience? Grey Parrot can help with the following:

  • Corporate investments and trustee investing
  • Commercial borrowing, letting and leasing
  • Advice on taxation and offshore bonds and how to stay on the right side of HMRC
  • Advice on Enterprise Investment Schemes and how to encourage investors to look at your business as a short or long-term portfolio asset
  • That all-important ‘five-year plan’ for your business growth
  • Stock market and investment returns

And a wealth of other personal and business financial advice.

You’ll be in safe hands with Grey Parrot

The team at Grey Parrot has over 50 years of combined experience. You’ll have a dedicated planner who will get to know you and your family before building a solid financial plan that places you in control of your future.

They’ll even tell you how they came up with their name!

We’re delighted to work with a financial planning partner we believe our clients can trust. If you’re running your own business, can you afford not to talk to Grey Parrot?

You can contact their team by emailing or calling 0203 987 1782. They’ll be delighted to hear from you.

Get in touch

Give us a call on 0117 955 6835 or click on the button below and we will be happy to contact you to discuss your needs.

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