Main Policy Covers
The contents cover is worldwide and 'All Risks'. All claims are settled on a 'new for old' basis, including clothing. There is no 'average' clause so no under-insurance penalties. Valuations are not required for any item under £25k (£50k for art policies). If specified for art that is damaged, not only will Chubb repair the damage, but also compensate for any loss in value as a result of the insurance claim. Chubb can appraise your property providing peace of mind that you are adequately insured for both your buildings and contents.
Although taking into account security devices when rating a risk, Chubb unlike most insurers, will not insist on security and will not penalise you should the security not be operational at the time of a claim. In addition, for anybody travelling to North America, the Policy automatically provides cover for up to £1million for third party liability and physical damage for any vehicle you hire or borrow. You will no longer need to purchase expensive top-up covers.