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Bicycle Insurance

There's a common misconception that because cyclists don't have to have insurance to ride on the road, they're immune from financial claims from other motorists or pedestrians. But cyclists are just as vulnerable as other road users to accident claims and claims for compensation.

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They're also physically one of the most vulnerable road users too. In 2012* a total of 118 cyclists were killed on Britain's roads, and 3,222 were seriously injured. A further 15,751 were slightly injured, showing just how at risk cyclists of all ages and abilities are. Three-quarters of serious and fatal accidents happen in urban areas, and 80% of accidents occur during the day. So simply wearing hi-viz clothing and a helmet on the morning commute into work won't protect you against the risk of serious personal injury.

So if car drivers have insurance against accidents, then it make sense for cyclists to do so too. At Park Insurance we specialise in providing non-standard insurance for our clients, including bicycle insurance packages that can include personal accident cover and public liability insurance. Our position as preferred broker to some of the UK's largest insurance providers means that we can find you the right deal and put together a bespoke bike insurance package that suits you.

Why do I need PLI?

Cyclists are often accused of causing damage to vehicles as a result of minor collisions, and can face considerable claims for damages from other road users. Having public liability insurance can ensure that if you are sued for damages, you have the right level of insurance cover to protect your finances.

Personal accident insurance will provide you with the financial cover you need if you are injured in an accident on the road. As many cyclists suffer serious injuries that can incapacitate them for prolonged periods of time, this cover is essential, particularly if you are the primary wage earner in your home.

Don't leave your well being to chance. If you're a cyclist, call us now and talk to one of our friendly, impartial advisors about the right kind of bicycle insurance package for you.

*Statistics from RoSPA

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