What can you do to get a cheaper quote?
If you want to cut the cost of your motorcycle insurance, there are things you can do to make yourself more attractive to the insurance providers.
Lock it up!
An approved lock or immobiliser could knock up to 10% off your insurance quote, so check what kind of locks and immobilising devices your chosen insurance provider recommends, and invest in it.
Keep your bike in a garage
You'll pay up to 10% less on your insurance if you keep your bike in a locked garage overnight. If you keep your bike on the road or out in the open, it's an easier prospect for thieves and a more unattractive one for an insurance provider.
Join an owner's club
If you ride a rare or classic motorcycle, joining an owner's club such as the Classic Bike Club or the Kawasaki Owner's Club can reduce your costs, as some insurance companies offer discounts to owner's club members.
Get more training
Motorcycle training doesn't stop when you pass your test. Train with an advanced instructor or pass your Institute of Advanced Motorcyclists and you could knock a substantial amount off your insurance. Better qualified and trained riders are a lower risk, and more attractive to insurance companies.