DJ Insurance: Skrillex faces personal injury lawsuit

TMZ has reported that an injured fan is suing DJ Skillrex after he landed on her whilst stage diving.

The victim claims she was left with injuries and also suffered a stroke when Skillrex stage dived at the event in The Belasco in Las Vegas. The event took place in February 2012 and the alleged victim, Jennifer Fraissl, is suing both the professional DJ and the nightclub, as they failed to stop his actions.

Though this event may sound unbelievable it is possible that crowd members and guests at concerts and DJ sets can be injured due to no fault of their own. Whether this case will go any further remains to be seen, and neither Skillrex nor the nightclub have commented. These instances maybe few and far between, but if you work as a DJ or performer of any type you could be liable if an audience member is injured.

Protect your Business and your Clients

Working as a DJ can be a hugely rewarding career. Whether you’re touring internationally like Skillrex or looking forward to your next disco or wedding there are plenty of perks.

Working as a DJ means you’re regularly in contact with the general public and although you may not share more than a couple of words with them, you are still potentially liable if an accident occurs due to your event, audio or equipment.

It happens rarely, but if your speakers fall or your stage causes an injury to your guests or damage to their property then they could sue you – and that claim could cost you a fortune. Compensation cases are often won by the claimant. Very few personal injury solicitors will take on a case where they don’t see almost guaranteed success.

The cost of a claim and the compensation can run into thousands of pounds and in most instances this would ruin the business. This is why professional DJ insurance is a must. The right DJ insurance policy not only covers your equipment, but also includes personal and public liability insurance.

Public liability insurance gives you the safety net you need if you do become liable for compensation due to negligence. If you’re committed to your career and want it to last then you should invest in the right insurance policy.