Ice Cream Van Insurance

The characteristic tinkle of an ice cream van is one of the sounds of summer. Like any other catering business, though, it can be tough to make ends meet, and every penny counts. If you’re running your own ice cream business or are part of a franchise, protecting your assets is vital. You’ve invested a lot of time and money into your business, so it makes sense to insure those assets and give yourself complete peace of mind. And that's where Park Insurance can help – with our specialist ice cream van insurance.

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What is ice cream van insurance?

Ice cream business insurance is a collection of covers that offer protection against the most common risks associated with operating an ice cream van. From cover for the vehicle and its equipment to third-party claims, this specialist policy keeps your finances safe should the worst happen.

Is it a legal requirement?

Do you need ice cream van insurance? If you work alone and don't employ staff, motor vehicle insurance is your legal obligation, but there are many benefits to holding ice cream business insurance. You can protect all your risks within one policy, tailoring your covers and their level to meet your unique needs. Without insurance, you are personally responsible for any costs associated with third-party claims, your equipment, and stock.

Types of cover

There are a range of covers you can include in your policy:

Vehicle cover

You’ll be asked to choose between:

  • Fully comprehensive – covering third-party damage and claims, fire, theft, and damage to your van.
  • Third-party, fire, and theft – which won’t cover the cost of your own repairs
  • Third-party – which only covers repairs to the other vehicle

Please note, standard van insurance does not offer sufficient cover for an ice cream business. The insurer must be made aware if you're using your van for business purposes, as this is seen as a higher risk and requires more coverage.

Ice cream van public liability insurance

Public liability insurance for ice cream vans is used to deal with claims made against you by members of the public for injury or property damage. If your awning falls and hits a customer or someone tears their expensive jacket on a nail protruding from your countertop, you are liable to pay the associated costs. This cover will deal with compensation, medical bills, and legal fees.

Employers’ liability

Even if you only employ a staff member for a few hours at the weekend, the law still dictates that you must hold at least £5 million of employers’ liability to deal with staff claims for illness or injury. The only exception to this rule is if your employees are direct members of your family.

Equipment and stock

If your soft serve machine breaks or all your stock is stolen in a smash-and-grab, your business could grind to a halt. This type of cover allows you to quickly get your sweet treats up and running again, without losing you money.

Business interruption

If unforeseen circumstances prevent you from running your ice cream van, you can use this cover to compensate for a percentage of your lost earnings.

How much does ice cream van insurance cost?

The cost of your ice cream van insurance quote will depend on factors such as the age and value of your van, the value of your equipment, and the level of cover you take out. You can reduce your premium by paying annually, parking your van securely, and installing additional security devices. If you only run the van in the summer, you may benefit from a short-term seasonal policy, SORNing your van over the other seasons.

With experienced, impartial advisers, a reputation for delivering tailor-made packages that are affordable and practical, and a deep understanding of the challenges you face every day, Park Insurance is your broker of choice. Find out more by using the Contact form to get in touch, or call one of our friendly team today for a free, no-obligation quote.

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