Premises Pollution Insurance

Companies are increasingly aware of environmental liabilities in part due to changes in legislation and regulation and in part due to increased pressure on all organisations to behave in a socially, ethical and environmentally responsible way. We offer cover for site-based exposures through our Premises Pollution Liability policy.

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Product Highlights

We work with clients to help them identify potential environmental risks and offer solutions that can minimise impact on profitability. We have a full range of environmental liability solutions; from traditional risk transfer for simple operational exposures to tailored programmes specifically designed for complex merger, acquisition or liability relief transactions.

We can offer clients:

  • Cover for gradual as well as sudden and accidental pollution
  • Cover for historic conditions and operational exposures
  • On-site clean up of pollution

Standard cover includes legal liability for third-party bodily injury, damage to third-party property, loss of use of third-party property, nuisance trespass or obstruction, remediation costs, costs and expenses. We can extend cover on an optional basis to include transportation liability, first-party business interruption, and products pollution liability.

Key Selling Points

  • Our streamlined and efficient underwriting process keeps our pricing at a competitive level
  • Our product offering goes well beyond the limits of traditional liability insurance coverage and we can provide practical management for environmental liabilities from start to finish
  • Using our network, we can help clients address their varying environmental liability responsibilities around the world

Get in touch

Give us a call on 0117 955 6835 or click on the button below and we will be happy to contact you to discuss your needs.

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